Paseos en bicicleta - arabaturismo
Cycling trips
Cycling trips
Álava is a territory that hoards an exceptional natural treasure. Almost twenty-six percent of its land forms part of the European ecological network Natura 2000 and more than fifty percent is home to unique or outstanding landscapes and spaces vital for the regional biological connection.
Weaving this natural system of wildlife corridors, spaces and relevant landscapes together is the Green Route Network, which tries to unify all of the province’s natural and scenic wealth. Through it, along its trails and paths, you can get closer to the most beautiful landscapes of Álava, its splendid nature and begin to understand its character, history and culture.
The bicycle is an ideal way to travel along these trails and paths at a leisurely pace and discover the diversity of Álava, lose yourself in its shady forests, skirt its lakes and reservoirs, gaze out at its gorges, enjoy the sunsets, watch eagles, kites and purple herons or maybe even some European mink.
ÁÁlava hides a host of sensations within in its valleys and woods, on its plains and pastures, in its mountains, rivers and waterfalls. Each one is unique.
The Provincial Council of Álava, in collaboration with the “La Caixa” Community Project, has published a guide of cycling trips on the Green Route Network of Álava featuring the 15 best routes for those cyclists who wish to explore the territory. The guide “Paseos en bicicleta por la Red de Itinerarios Verdes de Álava” is available at bookshops and other sales outlets priced at €5.00.
There are 15 different proposed routes, also available for download in the download section of this website, to imbue you with that integrating spirit between man and nature so characteristic of this territory; 15 routes that will allow you to discover Álava, its landscapes, its cultural and natural assets; 15 key routes to be savoured slowly. You set the pace.
Added to which, making use of these routes this year has its rewards. The Provincial Council of Álava has produced a passport which you can print out from the download section, you can then confirm having completed a route by having it stamped at various sites (tourist offices, park house, mountain bike centres, etc.) and receive prizes.
Download area
Cycling trips via the Green Route Network of Álava. Guide Introduction
1. Trip around the Ullíbarri Gamboa Reservoir
2. Vitoria-Arlabán. Vasco-Navarro Rail Line Greenway
3. Vitoria-Laminoria. Vasco-Navarro Rail Line Greenway
4. Santo Toribio-Acedo. Vasco-Navarro Rail Line Greenway
6. Trip around Vitoria-Gasteiz Green Belt
11. Mountains of Vitoria Colada Peña Betoño
12. Circular Route around the Mountains of Álava
13. Laguardia Lake Complex via the GR-38