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Los dólmenes de Álava
Los dólmenes de Álava

Explorando secretos y enigmas del neolítico


¿Quieres conocer los 6 monumentos megalíticos más impresionantes de Álava? Álava ofrece a quienes nos visitan un patrimonio arqueológico excepcional en el que destacan por su valor los dólmenes y otros monumentos megalíticos. Son piedras que cuentan historias, las historias de nuestros antepasados, y están enclavados además entre paisajes espectaculares.


Dolmen, palabra proveniente del bretón que significa “mesa grande de piedra”, es una construcción megalítica, generalmente construida a través de varias losas sobre la tierra y cubiertas por otra o dos más. Estas estructuras fueron creadas durante el periodo neolítico con un uso funerario como sepulcro colectivo, pero también se cree que podrían servir para reclamar un territorio y reforzar la identidad grupal.


Los expertos han inventariado más de 100 megalitos en Álava –72 dólmenes y 45 túmulos–, y varios de ellos están declarados como Bien Cultural. En este artículo te recomendamos una ruta a través de la provincia para descubrir los 6 megalitos imprescindibles más espectaculares…



Dolmen de Sorginetxe


Traducido al euskera como “Casa de la Bruja”, es un monumento funerario construido alrededor del año 2500 a.C., cerca de lo que hoy es Salvatierra. Fue descubierto en el año 1831 y junto con flechas y restos óseos humanos. 


Dolmen de Sorginetxe


Se trata de uno de los megalitos mejor conservados de Euskadi emplazado, además, en un lugar de extraordinaria belleza. Cuenta con 6 grandes losas de piedra de roca caliza que sujetan la cubierta, formando una estructura de más de 2 metros y medio de alto.


La leyenda cuenta que las antiguas brujas vascas utilizaron sus poderes mágicos para levantar en el aire estas grandes piedras y construir este monumento megalítico.


Dolmen de Sorginetxe



Dolmen de Layaza


El dolmen de Layaza se encuentra en el término municipal de Laguardia.


El monumento, construido con arenisca local, está formado por un túmulo irregular de piedras uniformes, una cámara compuesta por siete ortostatos, que conforman un espacio funerario, y un corredor, con seis losas, de unos tres metros de largo. Alrededor de él se recuperaron fragmentos de huesos, ocho falanges, 38 piezas dentarias.




Dolmen de la Chabola de la hechicera


Situado en la localidad de Elvillar, en Rioja Alavesa, es uno de los más importantes de Euskadi, y seguramente, de los más grandes y mejor conservados. Descubierto en el año 1935, esta construcción ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios, en los que se localizaron restos humanos y diferentes utensilios desarrollados durante el Calcolítico y la Edad del Bronce.


Dolmen de la Chabola de la hechicera


A vísperas de las fiestas, en torno a la virgen de agosto, se celebra un akelarre en las inmediaciones del dolmen con representaciones de brujas acompañadas de un macho cabrío.


Dolmen de San Martín


Está ubicado muy cerca de la Laguardia. Localizado en 1956, es un túmulo de 16 metros de diámetro y 4 de altura, fabricado con arenisca local. En su parte central se localizan seis losas laterales de la tumba dolménica. Esta acción arqueológica tuvo una gran repercusión a nivel nacional, ya que, el ritual funerario practicado en el interior de los dólmenes consistía en la deposición del cadáver en la superficie del recinto cameral acompañado de un ajuar. 




Dolmen de Aizkomendi


Localizado en Eguílaz, estamos ante el primer dolmen descubierto en Álava y el primero identificado en la Península Ibérica. 


El monumento está compuesto por seis grandes piedras calizas y otra de arenisca colocadas en forma vertical, junto con otra gran losa que las corona. En esta “tumba” se encontraron restos de 300 cadáveres, bien conservados y todos de hombre, ninguno de mujer.


Dolmen de Aizkomendi


Como curiosidad, junto a los restos aparecieron los botones de una prenda perteneciente a un soldado de Napoleón.



Dolmen del Sotillo


Entre Samaniego y Laguardia, podemos encontrar una de las construcciones más significativas del pasado megalítico de Rioja Alavesa. 


De este monumento funerario podemos destacar que uno de los individuos enterrados tiene el haplogrupo del pueblo Yamna, originario de la región del Caspio o del Cáucaso, según estudios de ADN realizados por la Universidad de Harvard. Una información muy valiosa que nos confirma que descendientes de este pueblo semi nómada llegaron y vivieron en nuestro territorio. 

La cámara está formada por 9 losas que forman un recinto casi circular de 3 metros de diámetro. Le faltan todas las losas de cubierta.


Dolmen del Sotillo


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Añana Salt Valley
Añana Salt Valley

Álava is a land rich in traditions and exciting landscapes. One of the province’s lesser known, but more fascinating treasures is Añana Salt Valley, a place where history, nature and culture combine to create a unique, extraordinarily well preserved setting. The valley has been recognised by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System since 2017, making it the only place with this distinction in all of Europe.


The Añana Salt Valley’s history dates back more than 7,000 years. The valley has been a salt production hub since the Bronze Age, leveraging salt water rising up out of underground springs. For centuries, Añana salt was a valuable and essential good in everyday life.


One of the most notable aspects of the Salt Valley is its traditional salt mine architecture. Here you’ll find an intricate network of terraces and dams handcrafted by generations of workers. The architecture in the valley is a living testament to humankind’s skill and creativity for centuries.


The process of producing salt in the Añana Salt Valley is an ancestral tradition that has not changed over time. In spite of the technological advances, the majority of this process is done by hand, preserving the essence and authenticity of the salt production in this unique place.


The Salt Valley is not just a historical site, but also a natural sanctuary. The presence of salt water creates a unique habitat for the valley’s endemic species, making it a source of biodiversity.




Salt Valley Experiences

Visiting the Añana Salt Valley is much more than an excursion. Here are a few experiences to try on your next visit.



Guided Tours

Explore the secrets of the Salt Valley with local experts and learn about the history of the valley and its salt production process.



Tastings of Local Cuisine

Try Añana salt at a gourmet tasting and discover how this special salt brings local dishes’ flavours to life.



Salt Spa

One of the most unique experiences available in the Salt Valley, where you'll be able to experience the benefits of brine.


Visiting the Salt Valley is a journey to the past and an enriching experience for history buffs and natural beauty lovers. Discover this hidden treasure and immerse yourself in the fascinating history of salt while enjoying the unique experiences the valley has to offer.

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Añana Salt Valley
Añana Salt Valley

Álava is a land rich in traditions and exciting landscapes. One of the province’s lesser known, but more fascinating treasures is Añana Salt Valley, a place where history, nature and culture combine to create a unique, extraordinarily well preserved setting. The valley has been recognised by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System since 2017, making it the only place with this distinction in all of Europe.


The Añana Salt Valley’s history dates back more than 7,000 years. The valley has been a salt production hub since the Bronze Age, leveraging salt water rising up out of underground springs. For centuries, Añana salt was a valuable and essential good in everyday life.


One of the most notable aspects of the Salt Valley is its traditional salt mine architecture. Here you’ll find an intricate network of terraces and dams handcrafted by generations of workers. The architecture in the valley is a living testament to humankind’s skill and creativity for centuries.


The process of producing salt in the Añana Salt Valley is an ancestral tradition that has not changed over time. In spite of the technological advances, the majority of this process is done by hand, preserving the essence and authenticity of the salt production in this unique place.


The Salt Valley is not just a historical site, but also a natural sanctuary. The presence of salt water creates a unique habitat for the valley’s endemic species, making it a source of biodiversity.




Salt Valley Experiences

Visiting the Añana Salt Valley is much more than an excursion. Here are a few experiences to try on your next visit.



Guided Tours

Explore the secrets of the Salt Valley with local experts and learn about the history of the valley and its salt production process.



Tastings of Local Cuisine

Try Añana salt at a gourmet tasting and discover how this special salt brings local dishes’ flavours to life.



Salt Spa

One of the most unique experiences available in the Salt Valley, where you'll be able to experience the benefits of brine.


Visiting the Salt Valley is a journey to the past and an enriching experience for history buffs and natural beauty lovers. Discover this hidden treasure and immerse yourself in the fascinating history of salt while enjoying the unique experiences the valley has to offer.

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Añana Salt Valley
Añana Salt Valley

Álava is a land rich in traditions and exciting landscapes. One of the province’s lesser known, but more fascinating treasures is Añana Salt Valley, a place where history, nature and culture combine to create a unique, extraordinarily well preserved setting. The valley has been recognised by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System since 2017, making it the only place with this distinction in all of Europe.


The Añana Salt Valley’s history dates back more than 7,000 years. The valley has been a salt production hub since the Bronze Age, leveraging salt water rising up out of underground springs. For centuries, Añana salt was a valuable and essential good in everyday life.


One of the most notable aspects of the Salt Valley is its traditional salt mine architecture. Here you’ll find an intricate network of terraces and dams handcrafted by generations of workers. The architecture in the valley is a living testament to humankind’s skill and creativity for centuries.


The process of producing salt in the Añana Salt Valley is an ancestral tradition that has not changed over time. In spite of the technological advances, the majority of this process is done by hand, preserving the essence and authenticity of the salt production in this unique place.


The Salt Valley is not just a historical site, but also a natural sanctuary. The presence of salt water creates a unique habitat for the valley’s endemic species, making it a source of biodiversity.




Salt Valley Experiences

Visiting the Añana Salt Valley is much more than an excursion. Here are a few experiences to try on your next visit.



Guided Tours

Explore the secrets of the Salt Valley with local experts and learn about the history of the valley and its salt production process.



Tastings of Local Cuisine

Try Añana salt at a gourmet tasting and discover how this special salt brings local dishes’ flavours to life.



Salt Spa

One of the most unique experiences available in the Salt Valley, where you'll be able to experience the benefits of brine.


Visiting the Salt Valley is a journey to the past and an enriching experience for history buffs and natural beauty lovers. Discover this hidden treasure and immerse yourself in the fascinating history of salt while enjoying the unique experiences the valley has to offer.

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Discover the
Discover the "berrea" just one step away from Vitoria-Gasteiz

The Green Way, a path connecting the parks surrounding Vitoria-Gasteiz, is home to a number of animal species from birds to mammals. September is the month when deer rutting season begins in earnest.

Deer live separate for most of the year, but in September the females come into heat, beginning the mating season, which lasts between two and five weeks. The males are aware the females are in heat and make characteristic sounds to attract them attempting to show their strength and superiority over the other males. This is known as the roar of the deer.

In Alava you can observe this event in Salburua park and Gorbeia Natural Park. In Salburua park, you can take a peaceful stroll and walk around Arkaute pond, where you will hear the roaring throughout September and October.

In the case of Gorbeia Natural Park, you can get a permit to bike or horseback ride along the trails and attend guided tours to listen to and observe deer rutting.

Visitors interested in observing deer rutting should do so from the specifically designated observation areas, which are equipped for people to listen, watch, photograph and record. In these places, it is incredibly important to follow a few rules: stay silent, don’t make any sudden movements, keep your distance from the deer and do not use torches, spotlights or flashes.

Express authorisation from the Natural Park is required to film or photograph off the designated path. This authorisation will determine the places and times where this activity is permitted and the rules.

Until 8 October, vehicle usage and other activities are restricted for deer rutting season. The affected areas are in Zuia and Zigoitia.


Photografy: Berrea Álava

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Exploring Nature: Five Essential Routes in Vitoria-Gasteiz
Exploring Nature: Five Essential Routes in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital of Euskadi, is not only known for its urban charm, but also for the natural beauty surrounding it. In this blog post, we propose five hiking routes that will take you to spectacular landscapes near the city. Whether you’re planning a family adventure, a romantic couple’s getaway or a trip with friends, these routes provide a unique opportunity to discover the city’s hidden treasures.



1. The Mountains of Vitoria Route: An Unforgettable Family Adventure


This route is perfect for families. The Mountains of Vitoria offer a variety of easy, well-marked trails taking you through forests, meadows and creeks. Kids will love exploring nature and discovering local animals. The route offers incredible panoramic views of the city and great spots for a picnic like the Olarizu Natural Lookout Point and Esquibel Tower.



2. Izki Cliff Route: Adventure Among Rocks and Nature


If you’re looking for a challenging and exciting hiking experience, the Izki Cliff Route is perfect for you. Explore the trails through impressive rock formations and lush forests, immersing you in the region’s wilderness.



3. Salburua Wetland Route: A Peaceful Stroll


The Salburua Wetland Route is perfect for solo hikers and groups. Walk along the serene wetlands and enjoy the tranquillity of nature. Watch the fauna and admire the space's natural beauty. At the Los Fresnos observatory you’ll be able to watch the different birds that live in the wetlands and admire the natural beauty of the park with views Mount Gorbea in the background. Reservation required. 



4. Green Way Route


The Green Way Route follows a trail encircling the city allowing you to explore a wide variety of natural landscapes ranging from hills to rivers and forests. Enjoy some peace and quiet as you disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the city and delight in the diversity offered by this small urban oasis.




5. Routes in the Mountains of Iturrieta: Push Your Limits


If you love adventure, the Mountains of Iturrieta Route is perfect for you. Climb and push your limits on some of the region's most challenging trails. From amazing summits to lush valleys, this route rewards with spectacular views and a sense of achievement.


The hiking routes in and around Vitoria-Gasteiz offer a wide variety of possibilities for any kind of explorer. Whether you’re looking to connect with nature with your family, experience history and art with your partner or take some time to reflect on your own, these routes offer a unique way to explore the natural beauty of Vitoria-Gasteiz and discover the natural gems the city has to offer.


Dust off your hiking boots and enjoy an unforgettable adventure surrounded by nature!

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Discover the joys of Álava in your motorhome
Discover the joys of Álava in your motorhome

A visit to Álava comes with unique and unforgettable experiences. Entering a white valley where the salt takes centre stage, enjoying unique routes through its Natural Parks on foot or by bicycle, visiting surprisingly original museums or trying some of the best wines in the world at century-old or contemporary wineries are just a few examples.


And this can all be done in a motorhome thanks to the network of areas specially designed for these ‘homes on wheels’. The guide Motorhome touring in Álava provides useful practical information.



Map of motorhome sites in Álava


Agurain Site

Address: Behe Nafarroa Kalea, s/n (Salvatierra-Agurain)

No. of spaces: 7

Rate: Free of charge

Contact:  / 945 302 931

Maximum stay: 48 hours




Amurrio Site

Address: Araba Kalea, 7

No. of spaces: 3

Rate: Free of charge

Contact: / 945 393 704

Maximum stay: 48 hours



Artziniega Site

Address: La Bárcena, 7 (Sporting area)

No. of spaces: 6

Rate: Electricity €3 for 12 hours. Tokens at the Town Hall, the Ethnographic Museum and in shops.

Contact: Tourist information point (Ethnographic Museum). / 945 396 210

Maximum stay: 72 hours



Elciego Site

Address: Barrihuelo Kalea, 3 (Elciego)

No. of spaces: 14

Rate: Free, electricity €2

Contact: / 945 606 632

Maximum stay: 72 hours


Labastida Site

Address: Fray Domingo Salazar, 21 (Labastida)

No. of spaces: 4

Rate: Free, electricity €2 per hour

Contact: / 945 331 818

Maximum stay: 48 hours


Llodio Site

Address: Carretera A-3632 (Laudio), pk 52+270

No. of spaces: 14

Rate: Free of charge, electricity €3 for 12 hours

Contact: / 944 034 930

Maximum stay: 72 hours



Nanclares de la Oca Site       

Address: Avenida de Langraiz s/n – 01230. Nanclares de la Oca (Next to the Arrate Sports Centre)

No. of spaces: 12

Rate: Free of charge

Contact: / 945 371 064

Maximum stay: 72 hours

Oyon-Oion Site

Address: Caña La Espina, s/n (Oyón-Oion)

No. of spaces: 12

Rate: Free of charge

Contact: / 945 622 190

Maximum authorised stay: 72 hours



Peñacerrada Site

Address: Urizaharra Hiribidea, 23 (Peñacerrada-Urizaharra)

No. of spaces: 8

Rate: Free of charge

Contact: / 945 367 004

Maximum stay: 48 hours




Campezo Site

Address: El Egido Kalea, 2 (Santa Cruz de Campezo)

No. of spaces: 14

Rate: €3 per day






Vitoria-Gasteiz Site

Address: Portal de Foronda, 48 (Vitoria-Gasteiz)

No. of spaces: 40

Rate: Free of charge

Contact: / 945 161 598

Maximum stay: 72 hours

Further information: the car park is 200 m from a tram stop, which takes you to the city centre, and bike lane.

Vitoria-Gasteiz Motorhome Touring Guide


Zabalain Park

Address: Betxinaburu Kalea, 2 (Legutio)

No. of spaces: 5

Rate: Free of charge

Further information: No toilets. It has a barbecue and picnic tables. Camping is expressly prohibited.

The reservoirs of the river Zadorra, approximately 35 km from Vitoria-Gasteiz, are a beautiful place with exceptional ecological wealth.

It is a good option for trekking and bike rides, as well as other outdoor activities.





Campas de Garaio car park

Address: Parque Provincial de Garaio s/n

Contact: 695 782 498 (Park tourist information office)

Further information: Parking area inside the park boundary. The Garaio park is a peninsula of the Uribarri-Ganboa reservoir. It has plenty of pathways for walks or bike rides.







El Roble Verde Camp Site

Address: : Nuvilla. On the main road A-3322 that runs from Pobes to La Puebla de Arganzón, km 24.

Further information: Practically all the installations are adapted for people with limited mobility. It has a heated swimming pool, bar and restaurant, among other services. Pets are allowed and there are discounts for various activities, such as horse riding.

Contact: / 945 06 33 50




Ibaia Camp Site

Address: Carretera Nacional 102, s/n, Zuazo de Vitoria

Rate: There are special rates for caravans and motor homes.

Further information: This camp site is in Vitoria-Gasteiz and has a washing machine, tumble dryer, waste collection and recycling, bar, restaurant, supermarket, public transport and wi-fi.

Contact: / 627 07 43 99


Angosto Camp Site

Address: Ctra Villanañe Angosto, 2 bis. (Villanañe)

Further information: It has washing machines, tumble dryer, wash basins, showers, heated swimming pool, supermarket, restaurant, bar and sauna. It is very close to the Medieval tower of Los Varona, the salt flats and the Valderejo nature reserve.

Contact: / 945 35 32 71

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Lucía Mine, one of the only geological jewels of its kind in Europe
Lucía Mine, one of the only geological jewels of its kind in Europe

There is a fascinating, extraordinary place in Álava that has captured the attention of geologists, tourists and nature lovers alike. The Lucía Mine, located in Atauri, offers visitors the opportunity to witness a truly amazing geological phenomenon.



What is the Lucía Mine?

The Lucía Mine is a small preindustrial natural asphalt mine located in the Izki Natural Park, in the Montaña Alavesa region. It gives visitors the opportunity to explore the galleries dug out with picks and spades, learn how this mineral was extracted and watch its walls continue to ooze.


Natural asphalt is a unique geological resource that was highly coveted at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th for constructing buildings and streets at a time of urban expansion. The Lucía Mine is the only natural asphalt mine open to the public in Spain and one of only two in Europe.



The natural asphalt in the Lucía Mine

The geological processes taking place in the Lucía Mine have created large deposits of natural asphalt, making this one of the few places in Europe where this remarkable phenomenon can be witnessed.


Natural asphalt is a living treasure in the Montaña Alavesa region and the project to recover and open the Lucía Mine to the public aims to provide an enjoyable way to learn about and share the lives of the people who did this kind of mining in the region.


Mina Lucía, una joya geológica única en Europa


The history of the Lucía Mine


This mine in Atauri began operations in 1872 and had a significant impact on the region’s economy, industry and society for nearly half a century. The Lucía Mine was not the only one, as there were other natural asphalt operations in the area that have left a notable impression on the popular culture, heritage and landscape of the Montaña Alavesa region.




Visiting the Lucía Mine


Anyone wishing to experience the wonder of the Lucía Mine can take a rigorously researched, respectful and sustainable guided tour. Specialists lead the tours on a 300-metre journey exploring the galleries and see natural asphalt close up. It’s a captivating, educational experience offering a deeper understanding of this geological phenomenon.



Guided tours take place on the weekend and entry for the general public costs €5. Reservations are required. Call 945 40 54 24 (Monday to Thursday) to book.



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Wine Tourism in Rioja Alavesa
Wine Tourism in Rioja Alavesa

Wine tourism has become quite popular over the last several years and Rioja Alavesa is certainly one of the top destinations for both national and international visitors given its stunning landscapes, Medieval towns and offering of hundred-year old and avant-garde wineries making some of the best wines in the world.

Rioja Alavesa offers visitors not only the opportunity to learn first-hand about the winemaking process and wine tasting, but also to enjoy a wide variety of activities and experiences showcasing the region's beauty, famed cuisine and local culture.

What is wine tourism and why Rioja Alavesa?

Wine tourism is a form of tourism combining interest in wine with traditional tourism. It consists of visiting wineries, wandering through vineyards, touring other facilities associated with winemaking and taking part in activities like tastings, pairings and oenology events.

Wine tourism offers travellers the opportunity to learn about the history, tradition and process of winemaking, while enjoying picturesque landscapes and immersing themselves in the local culture. Rioja Alavesa is becoming one of the most appealing wine tourism destinations for a number of reasons:

Winegrowing history and tradition

Rioja Alavesa has long been making high-quality wines. Its vineyards and wineries date back centuries and the region is included in the DOC Rioja Designation of Origin, the top class of Spanish wines. DOC Rioja is one of the most prestigious designations of origin in the world.

Landscape and natural environment

Rioja Alavesa’s landscapes are breath-taking, with sprawling vineyards stretching out into the horizon through hillocks and small valleys along the Ebro river and the ridges of the Sierra de Cantabria mountains at over 1,400 metres tall.

The Mediterranean climate and combination of clay and calcareous soil create the perfect conditions for growing high-quality grapes. The region is also quite biodiverse with a number of natural spaces to explore.

Renowned wineries and vineyards

Rioja Alavesa is home to some of the most prestigious wineries and vineyards in the world. Many of these wineries are open to the public and offer guided tours so that visitors can check out their facilities, learn about winemaking methods and taste a wide variety of wines.

These more traditional activities are now being rounded out with experiences like enjoying lunch or dinner among the vines, riding through the vineyards on electric bikes, spending a day as a harvester and stargazing among the vines while savouring a great wine. There are so many options.

Charming Medieval towns

You cannot visit Rioja Alavesa without meandering through its charming Medieval towns. They have a rich heritage as well as exciting culinary and shopping options.

Laguardia, the capital of the region, has notably kept intact its Medieval framework, walls and gates; Elciego is known for its manor homes and the unforgettable silhouette of Marqués de Riscal’s City of Wine, a project by Frank Gehry; Labastida has a carefully preserved old quarter and stone winepresses; the small walled towns of Labraza y Salinillas de Buradón; Villabuena de Álava, the town with the most wineries per capita in the world... Need we say more?


Wine activities and experiences in Rioja Alavesa

When it comes to wine tourism, Rioja Alavesa offers a wide array of activities and experiences for all tastes. Here are some of the highlights:

Vineyard routes and hiking

Exploring the vineyards on foot or by bike is a great way to immerse yourself in Rioja Alavesa. There are a number of marked routes allowing visitors to discover the region's natural beauty while learning about winegrowing and enjoying panoramic views. These routes have varying levels of difficulty, meaning there's one for everyone.

Cuisine and wine pairings

Cuisine plays an outsize role in wine tourism in Rioja Alavesa. The region has a strong culinary culture, and many restaurants offer menus pairing local dishes with wines from the area. Pairing is a unique experience that highlights the flavours and qualities of both the wine and the food.

There are also workshops and courses where visitors can learn about pairing food and wine.

The combination of a rich winegrowing tradition, stunning landscapes, unforgettable experiences and delicious cuisine make this region an unparalleled destination.

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Bike routes around Álava
Bike routes around Álava

If you love road or mountain biking, Álava is the perfect destination to ride around while exploring its remarkable sites and landscapes. It’s got a network of roads, paths and trails allowing you to enjoy this sport surrounded by nature. Here are a few ideas:


Basque-Navarre Railway Green Route

This route follows the historic Basque-Navarre railway, which ran through Álava from the early 19th century until 1967. With a total of 123.5 kilometres, this route will allow you to enjoy the history and nature of the region's villages at a relaxed pace.

It connects Estella (Navarre) and Bergara (Gipuzkoa), though the majority of the path runs through Álava, giving visitors access to Romanesque gems like Estíbaliz Sanctuary. It also delves into nature including spaces like Landa provincial park with its blue flag beach and passes through Medieval villages like Antoñana and Campezo.


Rioja Alavesa Lagoons

One of the best ways to explore one of the largest wetlands in Rioja Alavesa is by bike. We’re referring to Laguardia Lagoons, home to many species of birds.

Our proposed route is simple and easy for anyone who loves their bike: this 11.5 kilometre route leading to the protected Laguardia Lagoon Complex biotope comprising the lagoons Carralogroño, Carravalseca, Musco and Prao de la Paul pond.

Also, if you love wine, you’ve got to stop at one of the wineries in Rioja Alavesa for some wine tourism.


Vitoria Green Way

If you’re looking for a relaxing, easy bike route in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the circular Green Way is perfect for you. This 30 kilometre-long route is suitable for riding individually, with kids or with friends.

One of the advantages of the Green Way route is that you can start at any point and it offers an easy, well-marked route that will allow you to take in the beautiful nature surrounding the capital of Álava: Armentia forest, Salburua wetlands, Zadorra riverbank, and much more.

This is all rounded out with information centres like Ataria, lookout points for birdwatching, exhibition spaces and more.

Álava has many routes to help you discover and rediscover this region in fun, remarkable ways. Tune up your bike and hop on one of these routes with us!

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Discover Álava by motorbike
Discover Álava by motorbike

Want to discover Álava in a unique way? Today we’ve got four different routes for motorbike riders to enjoy magnificent natural landscapes and gain a deep understanding of the culture and cuisine of our province.

These four routes are designed for motorbike riders and they mostly follow well-paved country roads with little traffic and amazing views. Read on for the details on these itineraries, totalling 700 kilometres and a whole lot of curves.


To the south at a leisurely pace

Starting in the town of Egino and ending on the provincial border with Burgos at Miranda de Ebro. With a total of 104 kilometres passing through places of interest like Aizkorri-Aratz Natural Park, Ullíbarri-Gamboa reservoir and its interior beaches, the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz with all of its marvels (Green Route, Medieval quarter, Santa María Cathedral, palaces, etc.), the Añana Salt Valley, where you can discover one of the oldest salt mines in the world.


To the north at a leisurely pace


Totalling 152 kilometres, this route starts in southern Álava and ends in Llodio. Along it you’ll have the opportunity to visit spots like Rioja Alavesa and its Medieval towns, enjoy the winding roads and views of Herrera pass, admire the walled town of Peñacerrada and discover the green valley of Ayala.


Valleys, Plains and Mountains


This is the longest route with a total of 261 kilometres. It starts and ends in Vitoria-Gasteiz and runs through the Santa Catalina botanical garden, Varona Tower, Nervión falls, Gorbeia and Izki natural parks and the towns of Agurain and San Vicente de Arana. A route surrounded by nature that is sure to delight.

Castles and wine


Finally, we’ve got a 181-kilometre circular route starting and ending in the capital of Álava, Vitoria-Gasteiz. This route delves into the Mountains of Vitoria, allowing you to discover Ocio and Portilla castles, follow the Water Route, which snakes along the Inglares river, past Herrerías falls, and then arrive at the wineries and vineyards of Rioja Alavesa. It is a place to enjoy the renowned wineries of Marqués de Riscal and Bodegas Ysios, designed by Frank Gehry and Santiago Calatrava. After finishing the route, you can return to Vitoria-Gasteiz via the Bernedo pass and Labraza.


A great way to see Álava on a motorbike and take in all its natural and cultural wonders.

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Álava: la mejor opción para pasar el Puente de Todos los Santos
Álava: la mejor opción para pasar el Puente de Todos los Santos

Urteko zubirik beldurgarriena dator: Halloween gaua eta Domu Santu eguna. Hiriak misterioz, beldurraz eta festaz beteko dira. Askok, bidaiatzeko, deskonektatzeko eta gabonei begira energia berrituekin itzultzeko aprobetxatzen dituzte egun hauek. Oraindik ez badakizu zer egin egun hauetan, Araba bisitatzeko lau ideia emango dizkizugu:


Gasteizko Nazioarteko Antzerki Jaialdia

Nazioarteko Antzerki Jaialdiaren 47. edizioa ospatuko da Gasteizen urriaren 1etik abenduaren 4ra. Estatuko eta nazioarteko 34 ikuskizunez osatutako ekitaldi honetan, txikiek: zirku, dantza, txotxongilo eta pailazoez gozatzeko aukera izango dute; helduek, aldiz, antzerkia eta arte eszenikoen magiaz. Plan ezin hobea da artea eta kultura bultzatzeko zure oporretan.

Argazkia: Nazioarteko Antzerki Jaialdia


Añanako Gatz Harana

Araban dauden plan ugarien artean, Añanako Gatz Harana beti izaten ohi da bisitarientzako lehen aukera. Izan ere, munduko gatz-fabrika zaharrenetako bat da 6.500 urte baino gehiagoko historiarekin. Europako lehen ‘Munduko Nekazaritza Ondarearen Sistema Garrantzitsua’ gisa aitortua izan da. Gatz Haranak esperientzia ugari eskaintzen ditu: spa-gazia, iturburuak, gatza egiteko tailerra edota bisita gidatuak. Bisita amaitzean, herritik paseatzeko eta bertako gastronomia zoragarriaz gozatzeko aukera izango duzu zure oporrei amaiera bikaina emateko.


Gasteizko horma-irudien ibilbidea

Zubi honetan Gasteizko kaleetan zehar galtzea beste aukera zoragarri bat da. Erdi Aroko hiriguneko fatxadetan aurkituko dituzu margotutako artelan ugari eta horietako bakoitzak zer irudikatzen duen jakiteko, Gasteizko Udalak ibilbide gidatuak egiten ditu. Obra horiek ezkutatzen dituzten istorioak ezagutzeko aukera izango duzu alde zaharreko kaleak zeharkatzen dituzun bitartean.



Oporrei adrenalina pixka bat bat eman nahi badiezu, Otxandiora edo Sobronera joan zaitezke. Bertan, erronkaz beteriko abentura-parkeak aurkituko dituzu. Sareak, sokak, eskailerak, zubiak eta tirolinak… zirkuituak osatzeko gainditu beharko dituzun erronketako batzuk dira. Gainera, Sobron parkean kayakean, zaldiz, paintballean eta arku-tiroan jarduerak egiteko aukera ere baduzu. Inor gera ez dadin Arabako herri horiek eskaintzen dituzten abenturez gozatu gabe.

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Unique spots in Rioja Alavesa
Unique spots in Rioja Alavesa

Rioja Alavesa in certainly one of the most magical places in Álava. Its villages teeming with culture and history make it an essential stop any time of year. Vineyards, routes, wineries and museums are just a taste of everything offered by this wonderful destination. Although choosing just one thing to do here is impossible, here are a few ideas: 

Dolmen Route

One of the most well-known itineraries in Rioja Alavesa is the Dolmen Route, featuring no less than eight different dolmens. Dolmens are megalithic structures made more than 6,000 years ago that have become a tourist and cultural attraction. The route can be done both by car and by bike.

The dolmens you’ll find along the way are: Montecillo, Sotillo, San Martín, Layalza, Alto de la huesera, Chabola de la Hechicera, Encinal and Los Llanos. Each one has a different distinctive feature that will pique your interest in the time period.

Winery tours

The most popular thing to do in Rioja Alavesa is visit its famous wineries. The infinite number of walks surrounded by vines make the landscape of Rioja Alavesa a unique place you’ll never want to leave. There are renowned wineries including Marqués de Riscal designed by architect Frank Gehry and Bodegas Ysios by Santiago Calatrava. You can also visit traditional wineries like Valdelana and Solar de Samaniego. They all offer guided tours to see how the wine is made and participate in tastings. Bookings should be made in advance. Many of them also offer meals with a menu paired with their wines and even the option of spending the night at the winery. It’s a must if you visit Rioja Alavesa.

Visit its Medieval towns

If you’re looking for a more relaxed activity in Rioja Alavesa, wandering its towns might be just what the doctor ordered. Elvillar, Labastida, Leza... And, of course, the most well-known: Laguardia and Elciego.

Laguardia conquers the hearts of all its visitors with its Medieval features preserved for more than 1,000 years, its walls and its doors that transport you to this small town’s past. Wandering its Medieval streets and stopping at its bars to try the various wines of the area is one of the most commonly repeated activities for visitors.

Elciego is home to the famous Marqués de Riscal, combining winegrowing tradition with the Avant-garde, luxury and technology of the 21st century. Get lost in the town's picturesque streets packed with palaces and visit architectural sites like San Andrés church and Virgen de la Plaza hermitage.

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Delika: Discover Salto del Nervión Falls from Below
Delika: Discover Salto del Nervión Falls from Below

Delika Green Trail is a route connecting Amurrio and Delika Canyon through one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in Álava. It is part of Nervión River Park. There are two ways to view the waterfall: from above at the Nervión Lookout Point or from below, following a path ending right where the water falls. The latter is the Delika Canyon Route. While it may be lesser known, it is just as spectacular as the lookout point.

To get to the Delika trail head, you’ll need to go to Orduña and then take country roads. You’ll start walking once you reach Delika. Remember to wear appropriate footwear, because the trail is often muddy and you’ll need to hop over a small rocky stream.

The route to Salto del Nervión Falls

If you park next to the playground, equipped with swings for the youngest in the group, take the route running parallel to the river. Further on you’ll find natural waterfalls made by the riverbed. They are particularly beautiful in the fall when it rains most frequently. There are lookout points along the way for you to get a closer look.

Following the Delika trail to Salto del Nervión Falls, you’ll cross Zalborondo Roman bridge, built in 1767 to bring cattle to graze in the fields of the foothills of the Sierra de Gibijo mountains. Once you’ve crossed the bridge, the route gets steeper until you finally reach the valley ending in views of the waterfall from below.

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3 planes en familia para disfrutar de Álava
3 Family-Friendly Plans in Álava

If anything characterises Álava it is the nature and richness of its outdoor spaces. Álava offers limitless options and itineraries for a great time in nature with your family. We’ve got three different proposals: enjoy an experience learning about rural living at a farm school, play at an adventure park or discover one of the most impressive waterfalls in the area: Salto del Nervión.

1. Learn about rural living at a farm school

Álava has two farm schools: Granja Escuela de Vitoria and Granja de Arkaia. The goal of these spaces is to get children into rural environments, far from the city life they are accustomed to.

Kids can visit these farms with their families or with their schools. They’ll learn about animals like donkeys, rabbits and hens. Learning how animals live has never been so fun. Feed the hens, take a donkey ride or simply enjoy watching the animals live in their natural environment. These schools also have special events like dramatised tours, concerts and special Christmas meals.

2. Spend a day at an adventure park

Álava has a number of adventure parks for the most daring and adventure-seeking families. They offer a wide range of activities including kayaking, paintball, archery and horseback riding. Their obstacle curses are some of their most popular and noted activities. These courses put various skills to the test. Kids climb, jump, run up stairs, cross suspension bridges, ride zip lines and scale climbing walls.


Photography: Suspension bridge at an adventure park


Everyone will be informed of the safety measures in place and children will be accompanied and monitored throughout the course, in addition to wearing safety harnesses. Most of these parks have a large piece of lush land nearby where your family can have a snack and a rest. There are a number of adventure parks in Álava including Parque de Aventuras de Sobrón with a wide range of activities and Hontza Extrem with activities for all ages. This plan is certainly off the beaten path and sure to be a blast for the whole family!

3. Marvel at Salto del Nervión Falls

If you prefer to spend the day hiking with your family, Salto del Nervión is just the ticket. In this remarkable place, you can watch as water free falls 222 metres before crashing into the rocks of the mountain.

Photography: Salto del Nervión Waterfall in winter


You can reach the falls from several different starting points, but the trek from Álava takes only an hour and a half starting in Untza. It's a short route that is easy to do with kids.

The lookout point offers striking panoramic views, making it an essential stop any time of year.

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Take a dip in Álava
Take a dip in Álava

Who doesn't want to go for a swim or stroll through nature and enjoy Álava's beautiful countryside when the summer weather arrives? Álava is a natural paradise with beaches, reservoirs, lakes, wetlands and even natural pools where you can take a dip in the summertime. Every part of the province has an endless list of options with incredible, unique landscapes all close to home ready to be enjoyed.


Fresnedo River Pools. Alavese Mountains.


Close to Izki Natural Park, in Santa Cruz de Campezo, you’ll find one of the province's most incredible natural pools: Fresnedo River Pools. It’s the perfect place for a family outing. It’s even got a picnic area with tables and two areas divided by the Izki river.


Water Route. Añana.


In Berganzo, you´ll find one of Euskadi´s most impressive waterfalls: Herrerías Falls. To get there, you´ll take the Water Route, a breathtaking circular route beginning in Berganzo following the Inglares river. The whole family will enjoy this easy route with along the rushing river and beautiful waterfalls os crystal-clear water.



Zaldibartxo Ponds. Gorbeialdea.


In Sarria, you’ll find Zaldibartxo Ponds, located in the heart of Gorbea Natural Park. Alongside them you’ll find a beautiful field where you can rest and enjoy a sunny summer day and have a swim in the cool crystalline waters of the Baias river. It’s the perfect place for hiking and canyoning.


Ebro River Grove. Rioja Alavesa.


In southern Álava, more specifically in Lapuebla de Labarca, you can take a breathtaking route through a sea of vines surrounding the Ebro river. If you’d prefer to rest, head to La Póveda, a park with a picnic zone and play area for kids. In addition to swimming, you can also kayak down the river. 


Maroño Reservoir. Ayala.

Very close to Respaldiza, you’ll find one of the most beautiful views in Álava. Maroño Reservoir is sheltered by the Sierra Salvada mountains and fed by the waters of the Izoria river. It has an extensive green space in addition to an area equipped for an incredible summer’s day. You can also go fishing and hike around it.










Tobería Falls. Alavese Plains. 

The Alavese Plains have some of the best-known beaches in Álava, including Garaio and Landa. Head to Asparrena to find a truly spectacular river. To get to Tobería Falls, you´ll trek from Andoin along the northern side of the Sierra Entzia mountains.
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Santuario de Oro-Zuia
Three incredible routes in the Zuia valley

The municipality of Zuia hosts a large part of the Gorbeia mountains and some of its highest peaks: Gorbeia, Nafarkorta, Burbona and Berretin. It borders the Bizkaia towns of Orozko and Zeanuri. In addition, the Zuia valley is home to extraordinary oak forests and magnificent views that you can enjoy, not only by climbing Mount Gorbeia, but also from any of the routes for trekking, bicycles and cars in this spectacular region.



Larrazkueta-Bitoriano Route

The first trekking route connects the towns of Zuia and Urkabustaiz. It's a relatively easy route that starts in Larrazkueta, notable for the San Vicente church. The route continues through the Urkabustaiz oak groves, declared an Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in 2015. It passes through the village of Gilerna and reaches the river Baias, which has also been declared a SAC. To cross it, you'll have to use the Zubiegi bridge, built in 1896 and considered historical and architectural patrimony of Zuia. Finally, the route reaches Bitoriano, where it comes to an end.


Further information


Bitoriano - Sanctuary of Oro Route

Our second suggestion is a circular route. The path starts at Bitoriano, and after a few metres it comes to the ‘La Mina’ pit, the first point of interest on this walk.  This was the site of the ‘loader’ and the entrance to the lignite mine. It has been restored and is now a natural space for wild flora and fauna.  Further on it leads to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Oro, a place of worship in the Murgia mountains. This point is ideal to stop for a moment and take in the view of the valley from above, before returning to the starting point at Bitoriano.


Route on Wikiloc.


Jugatxi Route

This last route through Zuia starts in Murgia and the main point of interest is a visit to the Jugatxi chapel. Like the previous route, it's circular, starting and ending in the village. Half-way through the route, hidden between century-old oak and ash trees, there is a rural chapel. Every Sunday from 8 September, the residents of the small town of Murgia hold a procession to Jugatxi chapel where, in addition to the traditional communion, they hold dances, communal meals and a bowling competition.


Route on Wikiloc


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Route to the Portilla and Lanos Castles
Route to the Portilla and Lanos Castles

Delve into the Portilla mountains to learn the story of the Historical Territory of Alava with the Portilla and Ocio castle route.


The Añana region hosts this circular route that reveals two of Alava's most important castles: Portilla castle and Lanos castle, in Ocio.


Portilla castle and Lanos castle in Ocio were very important during the Middle Ages due to their strategic position in defence of the Kingdom of Navarre. Such was their importance that Portilla castle features as an iconic component in the coat of arms of the Historical Territory of Alava.

Ruta por los castillos de Portilla y Lanos



A simple circular route


Ruta por los castillos de Portilla y Lanos


Km 0. PORTILLA. The route starts in the town of Portilla. From there it ascends along an old path to the castle, in a beautiful natural setting where the rocks constituted part of the defence the fort itself and the old town. The route descends the ravine of Hoyo del Monte overlapping the national pathway GR1, along a narrow trail that approaches the river Inglares under Lanos castle, that rises above a rock of the same name.


Km 5,1. OCIO. Passing through Ocio, we reach an asphalt track that leads up to Lanos castle. Go back down the same route and retake the track to Berganzo, known for the ruins of the ancient tower of the Sarmiento in the parish church.

Ruta por los castillos de Portilla y Lanos



Km 8,4. BERGANZO. Here the route leaves the GR1 and starts a long climb up the San Baules ravine, along the forest road to the top of La Rasa, where it joins the GR1 again.


Km 14,6. PORTILLA. Back in the village.





Technical information on the route

Type of route

Distance 14,6 km
Duration 4h 30 min
Difficulty Medium
Elevation 563 m


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Cascadas de Álava
Cascadas de Álava

Araba natura da egiten duzun urrats bakoitzean, eta ez zaigu plan hoberik bururatzen urtea lurralde historikoko eta Euskadiko ur-jauzi ikusgarrienekin gozatuz hastea baino. Azken eurien ondoren bere gorenean dauden bazter bakarrak.


1. Nerbioiko ur-jauzia

Nerbioiko jauzia Iberiar penintsulako ur-jauzirik altuena da, eta Europako ur-jauzi ikusgarrienetako bat. Izan ere, ia 300 metroko altueran erortzen da ura Nerbioiko Behatokiraino, Delikako arroilaren gainean zintzilik dagoen balkoiraino. Leku dotore hori Araba eta Burgosen arteko mugan dago. Ingurune natural horretan paseatzea atsegina da, eta aisiarako aukera egokia familian egiteko.

Noiz bisitatu

Hainbat egunez euri ugari egin ondoren edo izotza urtzen denean da bisitatzeko unerik onena.

Nola iritsi

Ur-jauzia behatzeko bi aukera daude: Nerbioiko begiratokitik, Santiago mendiaren inguruko hainbat bidetatik, edo ibaiaren beste aldetik, behetik, Arabako Delika herriko Bidezidor Berdea zeharkatuz. Gutxi gorabehera bost kilometroko ibilbidea da, eta ibaiaren ibilgua hartzen du, ikuspegi paregabea izateko.

Iparraldetik sar zaitezke, Arabako Urduña mendatea igota, edo hegoaldetik, Burgosko Berberana udalerrian barna. Nerbioiko Jauzira iritsi aurretik, hiru aparkalekuak aurkituko dituzu.


2. Toberiako ur-jauziak 

Ur-jauzi segida hori Asparrengo udal mugapean dago, Andoin herritik hurbil, Arabako Lautada eskualdean. Entzia mendilerroak hiru kilometro inguruko ibilbide erraz eta atsegin hau babesten du. Kareharrizko arroken eta dolomien bidez ura iragazteak paisaia postala marrazten du.

Noiz bisitatu

Eurite-garaia ezin hobea da ur-jauziak hautemateko. Hala ere, kontu handiz ibili behar da, zorua irristakorra izan baitaiteke.

Nola iritsi

Andoingo plaza nagusitik sartzen da Toberiako ur-jauzietara, Gasteiztik 40 bat kilometrora.


3. Gujuli edo Goiuriko ur-jauzia

Gujuli edo Goiuriko ur-jauzia Gujulin dago, Gorbeiako Parke Naturalaren mugan, Arabako hiriburutik 30 kilometrora. Jaundi eta Basabe erreketako urek osatzen dute ur-jauzi hau, Oiardo ibaian elkartzen baitira, eta 100 metroko ur-jauzia sortzen da. Arabako garrantzitsuenetakoa eta ikusgarrienetako bat.

Kondairak dioenez, lamia baten sorginkeriak —euskal folklorearen mitologikoa izatea, ninfaren antzekoa, baina oinka eta guzti— “Urjauzi” izeneko artzain bat —euskaraz ezkonduta— ur-jauzi bihurtu zuen, bere ispilu magikoa lapurtu ziolako. Zalantzarik gabe, edertasun paregabeko zigorra.

Noiz bisitatu

Udaberrian eta udazkenean, eta euri edo urtze garaian.

Nola iritsi

Altube gainetik Izarratik Gojulira irits zaitezke, Urduñako errepidetik. Han, 15 minutuko ibilaldia izango duzu aparkalekutik behatoki egokira, itsaslabar kolosalaz gozatzeko.


4. Aguakeko eta Oteoko Errotako ur-jauzia

Bi ur-jauziak Arabako Mendialdean daude, Sabando ibaian. Arabako Antoñana udalerritik abiatuta, ibilaldi erraz bat egin dezakezu, ur-jauzi hauetara iritsi arte, basa-arrosak, erkametzak, kakalardoak, ipurdiak eta pinuak ikusten dituzun bitartean.

Noiz bisitatu

Udazkena, udaberria eta uda.

Nola iritsi

Bi ibilbideak Antoñanako herrigunetik hasi daitezke, Kanpezuko udalerritik. Oteoko Errotako ur-jauziaren kasuan ere autoan irits zaitezke, baina ibilaldia egiten baduzu, izugarri gustatuko zaizu.


5. Herrerietako ur-jauzia

Herrerietako ur-jauzia Berganzoko uraren bidean dago, Inglares ibaiaren bideari jarraitzen dion bidexkan. 10 kilometroko ibilaldi zirkularra, ehunka urteko basoen, ur-jauzien, ur-laster txikien eta turkesa koloreko ur baten putzuen artean. Izan ere, Inglares ibaiaren urak Peaciatik Berganzoraino jaisten dira, 200 metroko desnibela gaindituz 5 km-tik behera. Arabako eta Euskadiko ibilbiderik politenetako bat.

Noiz bisitatu

Udazkena, udaberria, baita udan murgiltzeko ere.

Nola iritsi 

Berganzoko uraren ibilbidea Berganzoko udalerrian hasi eta amaitzen da, Añanako Kuadrillako Zambranako kontzejuan, Gasteiztik 40 bat kilometrora. Autoa lasai uzteko aparkalekua aurkituko duzu han.

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Salto del Nervión
5 planes para hacer en familia en Álava durante estas vacaciones de verano

Con su rico patrimonio histórico, su vibrante cultura y su naturaleza diversa y exuberante, Álava es una fuente inagotable de planes para realizar en familia y aptos para todos los gustos.


Cualquier época del año es buena para disfrutar lo que Álava tiene que ofrecer, pero el verano, que normalmente es sinónimo de tiempo libre y además en esta provincia suele ser suave y agradable, ofrece incluso más oportunidades para aprovechar el tiempo y exprimir al máximo la experiencia alavesa.


Aquí queremos ofrecerte 5 propuestas diferentes de planes de verano en Álava que puedes hacer en familia, en compañía de los más pequeños, y que te permitirán conocer diferentes aspectos del patrimonio y el paisaje de esta tierra. ¡Toma nota!




1. Recorrer el Valle Salado de Añana

El Valle Salado de Añana, a solo 30 km de Vitoria-Gasteiz, es un paisaje realmente insólito y especial, marcado por las características terrazas para la extracción de la sal. Con más de 7.000 años de explotación ininterrumpida, las de Añana son las salinas que llevan más tiempo en uso de todo el mundo.


Aquí podrás no solo recorrer las terrazas y descubrir su sorprendente arquitectura, sino que también podrás disfrutar de distintas experiencias como catas de sal con chocolate, realidad virtual, etc.


Los niños y niñas se lo pasarán especialmente bien en el taller salinero, una actividad en la que podrán tocar la salmuera con sus propias manos y aprenderán de forma sencilla y lúdica cómo se extrae la sal. Y, si aún tenéis ganas de más, os invitamos a probar las propiedades terapéuticas del spa salinero.




2. Visitar la Catedral de Santa María

La Catedral de Santa María, conocida popularmente como la Catedral Vieja, es uno de los monumentos emblemáticos de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Se trata de un impresionante conjunto gótico de 800 años de antigüedad cuyo proceso de restauración y original programa de visitas ‘Abierto por obras’ ha convertido el templo en un punto de gran interés turístico y un motor de desarrollo económico.


Puede visitarse por completo, desde la cripta hasta el triforio. Las visitas cuentan también con un programa de temáticas adaptadas para niños y niñas de diferentes edades y contenidos diseñados específicamente para ellos como, por ejemplo, el espectáculo de policromías El pórtico de la luz, sin olvidar la posibilidad de viajar en el tiempo mediante realidad virtual.




3. Disfrutar de la Ruta del Agua de Berganzo

La Ruta del Agua de Berganzo es un sendero circular de unos 8 km (2 h y media aprox.) bien señalizado y sin ninguna dificultad, apto para un público familiar.


La senda arranca y concluye en Berganzo, localidad que pertenece al municipio de Zambrana, a poco más de 30 kilómetros de Vitoria-Gasteiz, y recorre los márgenes del río Inglares a través de un denso paisaje boscoso repleto de pequeñas y grandes cascadas, remansos y canales.


Durante la segunda mitad de la ruta, los peques encontrarán paneles interactivos con juegos y puntuaciones que les permitirán conocer el ciclo del agua y la fauna y flora del entorno.




4. Pasear por la Senda Verde de Delika

Otra opción excelente para pasear en familia por un entorno de naturaleza y montaña es la Senda Verde de Delika, una ruta que parte del pueblo de Delika y se adentra en el cañon del mismo nombre, con los paredones de la Sierra Salvada y el Salto del Nervión como telón de fondo.


Son casi 5 kilómetros (1 h y 40 minutos aprox.) de prados, bosques de robles y hayas, riachuelos y cascadas, todo ello por un sendero bien señalizado y adecuado para toda la familia.




5. Conocer las villas medievales de Rioja Alavesa

El último de los planes familiares de verano en Álava que queremos proponerte es un recorrido por las hermosas villas medievales de Rioja Alavesa.


Rioja Alavesa es una de las comarcas en las que se divide Álava y está repleta de pequeños pueblecitos tradicionales que surgen entre los mares de viñedos tan característicos de esta zona, con la imponente sierra de Toloño al fondo.


Una ruta de este tipo puede adaptarse a las preferencias y las necesidades de cada familia, por lo que puede ser tan corta o larga como desees. Varios de los pueblos con más encanto por los que te proponemos pasar son Laguardia, Elciego, Salinillas de Buradón, Samaniego, Leza, Labraza y Páganos.


Y, si necesitas un descanso, no te olvides de visitar también alguna de las bodegas de Rioja Alavesa, ya sea de las centenarias y tradicionales o de las de diseño más contemporáneo. Aunque la cata de vinos sea una actividad reservada a los adultos, muchas bodegas cuentan con planes y actividades pensados especialmente para niños y niñas.


Rioja Alavesa


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